Pool Liners

If you have a pool, then you know about the need for keeping your chlorine and other chemicals at levels where the pH is balanced. Many pools are constructed of plaster or concrete. Additionally, pools commonly have attractive features, such as tile, pebbles and stone. Pool liners help reduce or eliminate the corrosion of these features and construction materials.

Types of Pool Liners

There are primarily three different styles of pool liners. They are beaded pool liners, unibead pool liners and overlap pool liners. Keep in mind that you want a pool liner that is going to last and look good in the pool. Installing a pool liner helps keep the saturation levels down on the pool, protecting the surface of the pool from corrosion.

Beaded pool liners are attached to a pool through a channel or a track, which is installed along the edge of the pool. Unibeaded pool liners use a similar system to beaded pool liners by utilizing a channel that is installed along the top edge of the pool, but the liner is connected to the pool through upside down “J” hooks. Overlap pool liners are attached to the pool by overlapping the top edge of the pool and utilizing a coping strip along the edge.

Pool Liner Use

While all pool liners are intended to last a long time, they do eventually fail and need to be replaced. Vinyl pool liners last approximately 10 years and last considerably longer than cheaper plastic pool liners. While plastic liners are considerably less expensive than vinyl pool liners, they cost more in the long run because of their replacement costs over the life of the pool. Vinyl pool liners often also have built in UV protection.

Pool Liner Benefits

One of the benefits to using a pool liner is that it protects the surface of your pool. Pools need to be resurfaced every few years, particularly in areas where there is a great deal of sun exposure. With a pool liner, there will be considerably less corrosion over the life of your pool.

Another benefit to using a pool liner is that beaded and unibeaded pool liners have decorative surfaces that can add to the beauty of your pool. If your pool is plain and undecorated, adding a pool liner will allow you to enhance the attractiveness of your pool.

Reduced maintenance is another benefit to using a pool liner. With any type of pool liner, you will need to use less pool chemicals and your pool will still be protected from wear and tear and the destruction associated with being exposed to the elements. Since your pool will be protected, you will find that you need to conduct fewer repairs to your pool.

No matter what kind of pool liner you choose to install in your pool, utilizing a pool liner will be a great enhancement to the performance of your pool and its longevity over the course of time.

Pool Liner Costs

The cost of pool liners varies depending on a number of factors. Obviously you have to take account of the size of the liner but you should also look for the gauge of the liner (the thickness of the vinyl) and the strength of the seams as factors that affect quality. Also check that you get some kind of guarantee for your pool liner – a lot of manufacturers will give you a 15 year guarantee for their pool liners.

A good quality pool liner can be a very cost effective way of maintaining your swimming pool. For example, you could get a 15 foot above ground pool liner made from virgin vinyl and guaranteed for 15 years, for less than $100 from many reputable dealers.