Pool Cover Pump

If you own a pool, then you know how frustrating and annoying it is to pump the water off the pool cover when you get your pool ready to use for the warm summer months. Plus there is the cleaning that is needed if water has been left to sit on the cover for a long period of time and debris has been floating in it.

Hiring a pool service company to come out and pump the pool cover can cost you literally hundreds of dollars so you may want to do it yourself.

The solution to this problem is to purchase and install a pool cover pump. There are several good brands out there and included in those are Little Giant, Pumps Away and Wayne.

You can buy a number of different types of pool cover pump – for example you can buy ones that are submersible and will also pump water from the pool or ones that will just pump from the cover. You can also buy automatic or manual pool cover pumps.

The automatic pumps can be left on over the winter and they will detect when the amount of water on the pool cover reaches a certain level and the pump will turn on and remove it (down to another set level). Check the pool cover pump that you want to buy to see what the limits are on the amount of water it will detect and pump from your pool cover.

Manual pool cover pumps are just that and you will need to turn on the pump when you think the water needs removing from the pool cover. These are usually cheaper options.

Little Giant Pool Cover Pumps

Little Giant offers several different pool cover pumps for pool owners. From the affordable and lightweight manual PCP550 with a 550 gallon per hour flow rate to the Number 1 bestseller APCP-1700 Submersible pump which can pump up to 1745 gallons per hour.

Little Giant are specialists in the water transfer market and also have a number of other pool cover pump options in between to suit your needs. They have been selling top quality pool cover pumps for quite a number of years and have been the pool owners favorite. They often have their products in the top ten of pool cover pumps but it is worth looking at the other brands that are available to see what will best suit your individual needs (and your pocket!).


If you are tired of paying an arm and a leg to pool services to clean up your pool cover at the start of every swim season, then consider investing in a pool cover pump of your own and save some money in the long run.